Monday, November 7, 2016

Dirt...dirt everywhere!

Hello friends and family! It's so good to email you all again! Here's what I've learned so far:
Tamale is a very difficult area for several reasons...

1. The population is almost entirely Muslim. This is hard because first off, we aren't even allowed to teach Muslims without special permission and that's if they even want to hear your message so that makes it very hard to find people to teach.

2. Bicycles... our area is very far away from our apartment and so we have to bike 3-4 miles just to get to our area. And it always seems our bikes are never functioning correctly. Haha there is always something wrong with them. We waste a lot of time during the week getting them repaired.

3. The heat. It's really really hot here. I think the average temperature ranges right around 40 degrees Celsius, so... yeah riding bikes in the hot sun is pretty hard.

4. The dust. I had a dream a few weeks before I got my call that I was called to St. George. I"m thinking what I actually saw was Tamale. Not only is the dirt everywhere but we have to ride through it in order to get anywhere so that makes it really hard to keep things clean and stuff.
Other than that, Ghana is lit! We got 4 new investigators this last week. Brothers Lucas and David and Sister Esther we found while contacting. They are a very powerful family and have a lot of faith in Christ. They all agreed to baptism in the first lesson so that was pretty cool.

Then Sister Rose is the wife of a recent convert. We also started teaching her this week. It's pretty difficult because she doesn't speak English very well she only speaks dogbanny (the local language in Tamale) so it's very hard for her to understand what I am saying.
The little kids here are adorable! Everywhere I go they just want to say hi! In dogbanny "silminga" means "white man" so everywhere I go I can here them shouting, "Silminga hello!" It's pretty cute.
I can honestly say that I'm only 2 and a half weeks in the field and this is already the hardest thing I've ever done. I know the Lord gives us trials so that we can become stronger and I'm trying to embrace that. I've already been so humbled by everything here. The living conditions, the people, the food. I'm looking forward to sharing my experiences with you all. I love you all so much and miss you dearly.

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