Monday, December 5, 2016


What!? Elder Henderson is emailing on a Saturday!? Bet you didn't see that one coming! You better watch out because I'm a puma...#noonehereissafe #transferweeksoimemailingearly

Before you ask, the answer is YES...we lost water in our apartment again. And not only did we lose water right at the same time we ran out of drinking water...but so did the rest of the missionaries in Tamale. Water went out with a bang this week. #afflictions

As a matter of fact, we barely proselyted on Wednesday because we were with brother Abraham trying to resolve the problem so we wouldn't...ya know...die (Brother Abraham is the groundskeeper for all of the missionary apartments in Tamale. Wednesday was a rough day for him). And no...we still don't have running water. #Maybetomorrow

 Also, I HAD MY FIRST BAPTISMS TODAY!!! It was pretty exciting! Brother Rex and Sister Rose bother were baptized by yours truly as well as one of Elder Christensen and Elder Effiong's investigators. Fun side story: The other Elders' investigator is a lot bigger than I am and when I was pulling him out of the water my foot slipped and we both went tumbling down. #firstbaptism #baptismstillcounted It was a very powerful experience.

Also, #sorrymom but I forgot my camera as I was coming to email today so I don't have pictures. But never fear because we should be back briefly on Monday. So I can upload my pictures then.

So...we got a referral from the branch mission leader in Kanvilli (Branch in Northern district of Tamale. My branch, Education Ridge, is in the South West district). His name is brother Steven. He's very powerful. He's the first new serious investigator we've gotten. He's already told us he wants to be baptized within the month. We had a neat experience with him in our second lesson where he asked us if we have the priesthood why we don't heal the sick. We then kindly explained that we do, but we don't solicit opportunities to do so because whether the healing works is based on the receiver's faith. He then confessed to us that he was na insomniac and that it was affecting his work and preventing him from getting paid. He asked us to bless him. It was a very VERY powerful experience. We haven't seen him since then (Thursday) so I'll be looking forward to following up with him next week.

Also, I FINALLY TRIED FUFU. It is by far my favorite Ghanaian food. Much better than kinke! #bleh I also tried teezet. It was somewhere between kinke and fufu. One thing I've learned is that all the staple dishes here (kinke, fufu, teezet, bonku)are all basically the same thing, some just taste better for some reason. #idk Anyway...I love and miss you all! I'm also looking forward to another 6 weeks spent in Tamale. This is truly an amazing place.

Love you!
The shirt one of our recent converts, John Mark, made me. The material is authentic angelina.

First time trying fufu! #delicious

#Squadgoals #tamalesouthwestdistrict #lastdistrictmeetingtogether
Me, Rex, Rose, and Elder Amakye right before the baptism

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